Montag, 7. November 2011

performance in two chapters by the Mexican artists Lala Nomada and Niña Yhared
Curators: Cilgia Gadola and Raisa Kröger

Friday 18.11. and Saturday 19.11.2011 at 20.30 h
Entrance donation: 2- 5 Euros

SAVVY Contemporary
Richardstr.43/44, 12055 Berlin-Neukölln


Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

Live Art Festival "Exchange Radical Moments"
Jörn J. Burmester team, Berlin

Program in:

Dienstag, 30. August 2011

"Performing Science 2"
Giessen Award for Scholarly Presentation and Lecture Performance.
Lecture performance: "The Chemistry In Situ"

Samstag, 6. August 2011

PAS workshop: 20 / in context

17. – 29. august 2011 / berlin, germany in cooperation with grimmuseum, berlin

final presentation: 26.+27. August 2011 / 7 pm
grimmuseum | fichtestraße 2 | 10967 berlin

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011

Festival Arizona Between Nosotros
30 - 8th July 2011 in Arizona, USA

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

I have the pleasure to present the fourth chapter of my series "In Situ" in a group performance with Malte Beisenherz in my hometown Guadalajara, Mexico.

Sonntag, 10. April 2011

Interactive Speech. An introduction to the performance series "In Situ".
Also presentation of the work "Verstilling #3" by Nathalie Fari

Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3 - 12435 Berlin (U Schlesisches Tor, S Treptower Park). From the front door on follow the signs! Doors open at 19.30, the performance begins roughly around 20.00.
Admission: EUR 2,00

Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Next: March 27th / 3pm

8 young international artists are invited to write a performance for one of the other artists. The audience will see 8 performances performed not by the author of the piece. The artists have been in contact with each other to find ideas for the concept. It’s not about to show an individual piece, it’s more about to draw attention and respect to the work, the person and to understand the process of creation in a different way.
participating Artists are Marion Ritzmann CH, Andres Galeano ES, Katharina Kastl DE, Marcio Carvalho PT, Ida Grimsgaard NO, Marcel Sparmann DE, Ana Alenso VE and Gabriela Aldrete MX.